Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 2, Session 2, College Bound Writers

Today, we started the day off with a writing prompt.  Write about a place where you have lived.  We then prewrote and we began drafting out the prompt.  When we finished our time allotted for our starter, we took time to think about people, places, events, things, and ideas to write about.  Then, we wrote about anything we wanted to.  After we wrote we wrapped up class by sharing parts of our stories.

Camper Spotlight: Taj Singh
 Here is a small part of my prompt from this morning:

My house on Stephens Road in Orwigsburg Pennsylvania was the first place I ever lived in and grew up on.  There are few houses around were I used to live; only two neighborhoods.  My old house is one of the few houses that is not in one of the two neighborhoods, making the area quiet and peaceful.  Everything dovetails and there are never any problems or disputes.  One of the reasons Stephens Road is so buttoned-up and placid is because a majority of the area is an immense tree farm and farmland.

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